Welcome to my first ever blog post! I am excited to take a step a little out of my comfort zone in order to share some ideas and thoughts on communication with children. I have to admit that I am a huge "speech nerd". I love my job as a Speech/Language Pathologist and am one of those people who can't believe that they actually pay me to get to interact with children every day. Of course, occasionally the mounds of paperwork bring me back to reality. However, the little moments that make me smile each day are worth every minute.
My hope with this blog is to share ideas and activities to enrich the interactions between parents and children and teachers and students. I will share favorite books that provide rich language for children and those that are resources for parents and educators. I plan to provide activites that promote fun and easy ways to connect with the kids around you. I will also warn you now that I am a true fanatic when it comes to quotes so I'll share a few of those favorites as well. As this blog grows, I would love to hear from you about the type of information that might be helpful to you personally in improving the positive communication interactions with the children in your life.
And we're off . . . . :-)